1. Name and Objectives
The body shall be called the Asian Mycological Committee (AMC)). Its objectives shall be (a) the development and promotion of mycology in all its branches through meetings, publications and other means deemed appropriate, (b) the representation of the mycological interests of Asia, and (c) encouraging liaison with, and development of, national and regional bodies within Asia which have mycological interests.
2. Membership
AMC shall comprise of Members and Honorary Members. Each country within the Asia region shall have one national representative as a Member appointed under the terms of the Framework for the Nomination of National Representatives to AMC (Appendix 1). Members shall normally serve for a period of four years.
Honorary Members shall be persons of pre-eminence in mycology and be elected according to the procedures specified in Appendix 2 (Nomination of Honorary Member, IMACA). The number of Honorary Members shall not exceed three at any one time.
3. Officers
Officers of AMC, elected from among Members, shall be the Chairman, two Vice-Chairmen, and a General Secretary. Where a Member is the Chairman or a Vice- Chairman, the country represented by that Officer shall be entitled to an additional Member (appointed under the terms of Appendix 1) to serve on the Committee. The additional Member from the same country as the Chairman shall hold the office of Secretary. Officers shall serve for a period of four years and be eligible for re-election to one further term. Elections shall be held every four years. Nominations shall require the support of three Members who shall sign a Nomination Form, and the written consent of the nominee. If the number of nominations does not exceed the number of vacancies, the nominees shall be declared duly elected. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies, a ballot shall be held with nominees receiving the majority of votes from the Members present declared elected.
Vacancies arising through resignation/premature retiral within an existing term of office shall be filled by a postal ballot held within three months of the vacancy occurring.
4. Activities
The activities of AMC shall include:
(a) sponsorship and organisation of scientific meetings, symposia and workshops within the Asia region
(b) publication of the AMC Newsletter, and other educational and scientific literature
(c) representation of the mycology-related interests of Asia
(d) promotion of AMC activities internationally
5. Committees
Sub-committees for special purposes may be formed only with the majority approval of the Membership and their functions shall be as prescribed by the Membership. The Chairman or his nominee shall be an ex officio member of all committees.
6. Conduct of Business
The business of AMC shall be conducted in accordance with the Constitution.
7. Alteration of the Constitution
A Member may propose a change to the Constitution, details of which shall be circulated to other members at least two months before a Committee Meeting. Proposals for an alteration must have the support of at least one-third of the Members present at a Committee Meeting. A proposal for an alteration must receive the approval of two-thirds of Members present at a Committee Meeting in order to be presented for adoption. A copy of duly approved proposals shall be sent to each Member and final adoption of any alteration to the Constitution shall require acceptance by not less than two-thirds of the Membership. Members shall be informed of alterations by the General Secretary.
8. Circulation of the Constitution
A copy of the Constitution shall be given to each Member upon joining AMC.
9. Limitation of Liability
No Officer or other Members of AMC shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused by any act or omission done in good faith in the exercise of the powers conferred through AMC's Constitution.
10. Meetings
AMC shall hold two types of meetings; Committee Meetings and General Meetings.
Committee Meetings shall normally be convened annually at a venue to be approved by the Members at least two years in advance. Ordinarily, a Committee Meeting shall be held during and in association with a mycological conference organised by mycological interests within the host country. The Chairman of AMC shall be the chairman or, in his absence, a Vice-Chairman or other Officer. The business of the meeting shall include:
a) a report from the Chairman;
b) the presentation of reports on membership, programmes, publications, and any other significant activities of the Committee;
e) any other relevant business.
The General Secretary shall notify Members of a Committee Meeting at least three months in advance. Any Member wishing to raise a substantial matter for inclusion in the business of the meeting shall notify the General Secretary at least two months before the meeting. The General Secretary shall then send an Agenda to all Members not later than one month before the meeting. Each Member shall have one vote on each issue and voting shall be by show of hands or otherwise as the Chairman may direct. The Committee shall have power to co-opt/invite additional participants to a Committee Meeting to further particular interests not otherwise represented in the Committee. Co-opted/invited participants shall not have voting rights.
General Meetings shall normally be held every four years and shall proceed according to the same format adopted for Committee Meetings plus the additional business of electing Honorary Officers of AMC.
11. Permanent Address
The AMC address shall be that of the current Chairman